What was right in President Aquino?

President Aquino III signed into law the Philippine "oral sex" law or  Reproductive Health Law but after doing it he says: "You know at the end of the day, the only criteria I have is: Did I do right? And sometimes the right decision may be unpopular. And sometimes, it seems that conversely the wrong decision is immensely popular".  (Report by Delon Porcalla.(The Philippine Star News, December 10, 2013)
    President Aquino had certified urgent the reproductive health bill last December 14, 2012. Apparently, he failed to consider the prior warning by way of Typhoon Pablo which was merely considered as part of nature. The typhoon, a Category 5 super typhoon with winds of 175 mph (280 km/h), killed more than 1,020, with 844 people missing in Mindanao, reported on December 16, 2012. Despite the warning, pro-RH Filipinos still insisted on their alleged reproductive health rights, which are delusional. Two (2) days after the approval of the bill by Congress, President Aquino signed it into law last December 21, 2012.

    What happened thereafter?

    First Incident: Sabah Crisis (February 9, 2013)
    The crisis had dislocated number of Filipino families in Southern Philippines, who were dependent on peaceful Sabah.Was there any dead?
    Second Incident: Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) Rebellion in Zamboanga City, which is related to the Peace negotiation with Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF') (September 9, 2013)
    More than 82,000 persons were affected by the crisis,a total of 25 houses have been burned or damaged due to the armed encounters,  at least P4.5 million worth of properties damaged by fire, flights and sea travels departing from and bound for Zamboanga City have been canceled, some local forms of public transport in six affected barangays was paralyzed. How many were dead?
    Third Incident: Bohol-Cebu Earthquake (October 15, 2013)
    There were 222 reported dead, 8 were missing, and 976 people injured and more than 73,000 structures damaged. This was to stress also the side effects of idolatry  of Roman Catholicism and sodomy of some catholic priests.
    Fourth Incident:Typhoon Yolanda (November 8, 2013)
    Total number of deaths placed at 5,959, injured and missing at 27,022 and 1,779, respectively. It affected 57 cities, 44 provinces, 2.5 million families, with enormous proprietary damages in billion pesos.
    Fifth incident: Coming soon-the incoming earthquake and other calamities until the President and Roman Catholics acknowledge the mistake on reproductive health law and idolatry, respectively. But if the President and the pro-RH Filipinos, including homosexual priests, would still insist on their alleged reproductive health "rights", in addition to idolatry by Roman Catholics, then they will be proved "wrong" but will be helped still on their concern because the population will be controlled and diminished.So, good luck...Mindanao.

    The President is right (in his own opinion). There might be "right decision that may be unpopular. And sometimes, there may be wrong decision that is immensely popular". Incidentally, there are decisions that are wrong and only answerable by the statistics of number of  dead persons or very fatal that may no longer be unpopular or popular because the populace, who will say "popular" or "unpopular"  were already eliminated.

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