Filipinos, are you enemies or friends?

Several questions are needed to know if you are an enemy or a friend.
Filipinos, how do you rate yourselves?
Are you friends or enemies of God?
Considering the Bohol-Cebu earthquake and the Yolanda incidents, are you still confident that God is your friend?

You still believe your attendance in "mass" every Sunday and your recitation of emperata", "holy Rosary", etc. will make you as friends?
Then how many more calamities and up to what extent until you get into your senses?
C'mon, how many? Because, He is listening.
Were the idols, e.g statues and images using "The Name" of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ able to protect?
Was the alleged "holy" cross able to ward off calamities?
Were the Nuestra Senora, Fatima, Salvacion, etc, which deceptively used "The Name" of Mother Mary able to intercede?
Were the beads and strings of the alleged "holy" rosary effective?
Was the government which legalized "onanism" or reproductive health law able to protect?
Was the "oral sex" in homosexuals, lesbians and heterosexuals able to persuade the calamities to come more effectively?
Do you know what's happening in your communities?
If you don't care, then, why should He cares?
If you get busy selling your votes during elections, then, why should He cares?
If you care less for your dignity, then, why should He cares?
If you care less for the less fortunate, then, why should He cares?
If you detain patients instead of caring for them, then, why should He cares?
If you don't care for His Words, then, why should He cares?
If you care surfing Facebook more than His words, then, why should He cares?
If you believe in the words of the priests, pastors and ministers more than His words, then, why should He cares?
If you're busy caring for "money" instead of caring for others, then, why should He cares?
If you don't ask for forgiveness, then, why should He cares?
If you don't forgive others, then, why should He forgives you?
If you enjoy "oral sex" and can no longer live without it, then, why should He protects you?
If you don't ask him for help, then, why should He cares?
If you ask help from his alleged statues or images, then, why should he shows in front of the statues or images to help you? Expect help from your idols, statues or images, not from him.
If you value the cross by having it painted with ashes by priests in your forehead during Ash Wednesday more than the life offered through Christ, then, why should life be given to you?
Are you still interested to love these enemies in you?
For detailed discussions, click to Morality & Prophecy, Religious Deception I and Religious Deception II eBooks at WORDatTheNet 


  1. I am a Filipina, but I claim to be an un-idolater. I can see the heart of Christ for the Philippines for He came for the broken. It is quite hard to face reality that when you are down, people will pull you even more by condemning you. But see, everyone must have compassion, even to those who persecute you. It pains to see my country heading and believing the wrong way, but who can blame my people? I choose to act on it rather than criticize them. After all, before God's eyes, no color, nor creed, nor tribe, nor tongue is superior or inferior over the other. God bless you! May Philippines be challenged by this post :)


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