Are you ready for His Coming?

Mactan, Cebu, Coming

Poem on His coming

Limited in words and limited in time
Allow me to offer this poem before He comes
It was not easy for me to understand
I needed guidance so that His Will is done.

My body and physical appearance were marred before
With pain and sickness affecting my spirit all the time
But in such unusual situation I was made to understand
With my body and spirit recovered that enabled me to run.

Right now, everybody is busy, everybody does not care
Everybody does not have enough time to ponder
They don’t know that His coming is very near
And it seems nobody is ready on what to wear.

While feeling sick and still weak to understand
I was made to remember of my own obligation
Spiritually told also on who I was and who I am
And enabled to usually sing a modified Carpenter’s song.

“Why does the Sun go on shining?
Why do the birds rush to shore?
Don’t they know it’s the End of World?
It ended when my Love is gone!”

Sometime last April 2012, the Spirit told me
Initially not understood but realized finally
We have limited time, which is barely four (4) months.

What is going to happen when He comes?
Is it punishment because Love is already gone?
How about if we decide to do effective repentance?
Will they be accepted and punishments toned down?

I was guided on what to write on WORDatTheNet
Even myself was surprised on what I wrote on it
But everybody is interested more in surfing facebook
As if facebook will save them from a fatal hook.

The Word tells, among others, no to sodomy and idolatry
But my niece and her family and my friends are in USA
They went there to work but probably not to do Sodomy
May they be spared in order to see their own domestic family.

Are you ready for His coming?

For detailed discussions, click to WORDatTheNet 


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