Are you looking for a "true" Church?
In Judaism, which talks of a Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12):Is the "Word" complete and free of contamination if the suffering servant (Christ) is not being considered for acceptance despite being the ultimate fulfillment of the "Word"?
In Roman Catholicism, which used the name of Christ who taught “Our Father” Prayer or Lord’s Prayer only: Is its use of the "Word" pure or free from contamination when it doctrinally used the name of Christ to teach the “Our Mother” Prayer or Holy Rosary also?
One may find above as an invitation for a religious debate, specifically on how the "Word" is being utilized and abused. But if one is looking for a "true" church, is it not necessary to initially identify first the "false" churches? Now, if you have already identified the "false" churches, is it still necessary to engage in a debate?
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